Thursday, September 18, 2008

A No Good Very Bad Day

So. There's lots of things to discuss. I've been gone for a while, and i've been busy. There are funny yet sad dating stories to share. But not right now. Now, i'm going to describe my day. Because I need someone to appreciate the craziness of my day.

Work was busy, busier than usual. I had five clients back to back, and they all showed up! Some clients are making progress, others were harder to deal with, and by the end of the day i was exhausted and cranky. Now, my mother was coming to visit today. I've known this for a while, and was preparing the apartment for her arrival. I still had to clean the bathroom though. So while I was looking for parking- my mom called. She was standing somewhere around 30th St. Station waiting for a bus. I told her she had to be on Chestnut St., she said she was. But there was no bus stop. I told her to walk towards Center City until she saw a bus stop. But no, that would be too much. Perhaps the buses no longer go down Chestnut st? To which i responded, ummmmm no. Septa doesn't just change major routes, just walk until you see an actual bus stop. My mother, the wonderful Evelyn- said i was being obnoxious and rude and she was going home. then hung up on me. Wonderful.

So I parked my car and came home to clean the bathroom and change. I threw some last minute things into the washing machine, and was on the phone with Matt updating him on my latest horrible date story (to be described later) when God decided to laugh at me:
a loud noise started going off in the apartment. I tracked it down, and low and behold my washing machine was overflowing! hurray! suds! I called my mom, who promptly told me i should call a plumber because it wasn't her problem. And oh, she was wondering the streets in case i wanted to know, cause i'm a terrible daughter who can't help her find the bus.
I went to call the woman who routinely has to fix my shitty washing machine, when i heard someone jiggling my lock. Thinking Evelyn had decided to cab it- i opened the door for her- except it was a hispanic handyman. Wearing a toolbelt. Wanting to fix things. I thought- how did you find out about my washing machine that fast? But in reality, he had the wrong apartment. Too bad he was insistent he had the right apartment, and was convinced I was wrong. Then came a ridiculous conversation involving me going "no really, i didn't hire you to come here. i don't have a problem in my bathroom. i promise. no- no i really do think you have the wrong apartment". the handyman called his boss- Jose. Then went off to find someone else's apartment to fix things in. In the meantime- Evelyn showed up.
She came in, and wandered around passive aggressively looking for the Gizmo while not talking to me. It was great. I went about my business and got the washing machine lady on the phone. I was instructed to put fabric softener into the machine to get rid of some of the suds, run it for 3 minutes, change the setting, run it for 10 minutes, then fill it up with a gallon of vinegar (??) and let it run again for the full cycle (sans soaking). so, add to my night tracking down a gallon of vinegar.
I'm trying to get on my way to supervision, like i do every thursday, but mom decides she wants to talk. Particularly about why i'm such a terrible child who's always rude to her. Which i'm not, by the way. She is uber sensitive and considers rude to be me not calling her everyday in a bright and shiny mood with good news. Oh please. So she threatens to go home and punish me by trying to make me feel guilty. and i tell her that she's gotta do what she's gotta do.
Oh by the way, Jose the boss handyman showed up- and showed me his list of things to fix in my apartment. A few minutes were spent convincing him that he meant apartment 300, not 301. He was insistent that it was 301- but finally he went away after i told him he should try and put his key into the door and would realize it wouldn't work- cause he had the key to 300. And i hadn't hired him and wouldn't be paying him.
Now late, I went off to supervision to apologize to my supervisor and discuss my oh so lovely day. I then went and got my nails done, and went to meet this mysterious Penn grad with a business proposition at Starbucks (oh, and i found vinegar at an asian market) but was stood up, and sat sipping my non fat mint mocha not wanting to go home.

But home I came, unloading my vinegar into the washing machine, praying it works, catching up on tv just awaiting the wonderful weekend ahead. Full of passive aggressiveness i'm sure.

The dating stories will have to wait.

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