Tuesday, August 12, 2008

golden summer days

so i've been gone a little while. i'm sorry. things have been happening. i've been to new york a bunch of times, just got back from a weekend away at leslie's family cabin outside binghamton. and i've been very busy watching summer tv and working at my fabu job. and bbc america's 'robin hood' killed off marian in the season finale. so there was a whole relationship to mourn. see. i've been very busy.

at the moment i'm obsessed with the olympics. i love them. i always do. summer, winter, whatever. so me international competition doing fun things like gymnastics, swimming, riding horses (? ok maybe not that one) and i'll watch. mainly i'm keeping track of the swimming and the gymnastics. and when track and field start i'll be watching that too. michael phelps just won his 4th gold medal of these games, 10th overall- making him the athlete with the most gold medals, ever. it just happened. like, 2 minutes ago. i love being able to watch history happen like that. plus, he looks good in a bathing suit, especially the bottoms only suit where i can stare at his abs while he stretches and gets out of the pool. yum. did i mention i'd gladly have 10 million of his swimming babies?
now i'm watching the girl's gymnastics finals. its apparently america vs. china this year. too bad china looks like their team is all under 10 years old. is that even legal? oh wait that 8 year old looks like she has the beginnings of boobs. maybe she's 12.
and america is all injured. like, seriously everyone sprained their ankle in the past week or something. its crazy.
i love it!

i can't believe it's almost the end of summer. where does the time go? i feel like just yesterday i was getting ready to start my new job and sweltering in the june heat. and now it's an oddly cool few days in august. i can practically smell fall. oh wait, now it's humid again. just kidding. but seriously. the middle of august! soon i'm going skydiving with my sister! (august 30th, put it on your calendars) and taking the gre's (oops. i need to study).
overall i'm pretty happy. i think it's been a good summer. i have yet to find my prince on eharmony, and actually think i might take a break from that for a while. i have faith things are going to happen the way they should. they seem to have so far, right?

now, back to michael phelps....